Surgical Treatment of Breast Disease
Biopsy: When your patient finds a breast lump or has an abnormal mammogram, they should be referred to us for further evaluation. Frequently a biopsy is required to definitively identify the cause of the abnormality. Several biopsy techniques are available depending on the circumstances, including fine-needle aspiration, stereotactic core biopsy and open surgical biopsy. Our surgeon will provide information to assist you and your patient in choosing the best procedure.

When Cancer Is Found
Although the majority of abnormalities in the breast are benign, when the diagnosis of cancer is made, further surgery may be required. Breast cancer encompasses many different varieties and stages that may lead you to recommend certain surgical therapies. But again, there are frequently difficult choices to make.
Lumpectomy and Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy
One choice may be lumpectomy with sentinel lymph node biopsy. Sentinel lymph node biopsy is a technique where only the first couple of lymph nodes to receive primary lymphatic drainage from the breast are identified and removed. This procedure helps to prevent the side effects that may be seen when all of the axillary lymph nodes are removed, such as arm numbness and pain, fluid collections, infections and arm swelling. Frequently, radiation treatment may be added to the breast after lumpectomy and sentinel lymph node biopsy.
The other choice may be mastectomy, which may be followed by immediate breast reconstruction by a plastic surgeon if the patient desires. Radiation may not be required with this treatment. Additional chemotherapy or hormone therapy may be recommended, depending on the stage of the disease.
Peace Of Mind
At Carolina Surgery & Cancer Center, we understand the fears and stress involved with the diagnosis of breast cancer and the choices that have to be made. We will spend the time and provide the care to help guide you and your patient to our common goal of curing the disease and providing peace of mind. To that end, we welcome and encourage your referrals.